Posts By: Susanna Hasenoehrl

Headstrong Performance with Marcel Daane

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Research in the neuroscience of leadership is teaching us that optimal leadership capacity is dependent on our ability to effectively regulate our own brains so we can raise our potential to positively influence other members of the organization. During his Gravista Leader keynote on May 25th, Marcel Daane – a pioneer in integrated health, neuroscience and the author […]


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The first year of Gravista Leaders is closing in. Our first ever gathering took place on January 27th at a quiet restaurant on Ang Sian Hill. Twelve ladies from a range of industries and functions got together, and we’ve been going ever since. Fuelled by something special we share – even if we could not quite […]

Getting real about Authentic Leadership

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Gravista Leaders’ Training – 5 November, 2014 Being a leader is not an easy job, as often the long list of skills and traits required bears a striking resemblance to a superhero. But there is real evidence to show that authentic leaders have a real and lasting impact on their followers. Being authentic starts with […]